• The (L) Plan is a lifetime membership, available to Katameya Dunes registered home owners for 25% exclusive discount on joining fees OR Outsiders for full price
• The (G) Plan is an annual renewable plan exclusively for registered golfers based on a valid National Handicap ID for main member only at least
• The (S) Plan is an annual renewable plan for social non golfing individuals or Non-registered golfers
• The (GO) Plan is a stand alone plan that can be purchased as an upgrade by existing social members for 25% exclusive discount OR can be purchased separetely by non members for full price and doesn't include any club social membership benefits
• Foreign Residents USD rates can be paid in local currency according to the local conversion rate of NBE at the date of payment
• All type of membership plans are non refundable
• Club management can exceptionally accept membership transferring requests for an additional admin fees
• All membership plans must be paid upfront to the end of calendar year (December 31st)
• Short term memberships aren't available for purchase
• Renewing members are requested to pay their annual dues in full as of year beginning to year end regardless of date of payment
• New members will be charged on prorata quarterly basis as of date of joining to year end (December 31st)
• Members referall program applies for existing members who introduce new members to join the club and will be rewarded with 5% of the new member paid annual dues offered in the form of a gift voucher.