Resident Guest Green Fees

* Rates below are priced relatively to the current USD/EGP conversion rate and will be reviewed and possibly modified on quarterly basis in case of any devaluation of local currencu

Note: All prices are in EGP subject to 14% VAT

Resident Guest Green Fee - 18 Holes - 1,300

(Weekend and Holidays)

Resident Guest Green Fee - 18 Holes - 1,050


Resident Guest Green Fee - 9 Holes - 850

(Weekend and Holidays)

Resident Guest Green Fee - 9 Holes - 650


Terms & Conditions

* Junior members and guests (7-21 years) are entitled to a 50% reduction on green fees only.

* Guests accompanied with members are entitled to a 15% reduction on resident guest green fees and 20% on non-resident guest fees.

* Katameya Heights, EGF Members and Hotel guests are entitled to a 10% reduction on green fees only.

* Extra (9 Holes) above 18 Holes is 25% less payable on Weekdays and Weekends.